What is prostatitis? Initial signs and symptoms, and treatment in acute and chronic phases

Prostatitis isa purely male disease. It is one of the most common lesions of the genitourinary system, occurring in approximately 80% of men, with 4 cases occurring before the age of 40 years.The disease is not an isolated process: itTraumatizes nearby organs and poisons the entire body.

How does prostatitis develop?

The essence of the process is inflammation of the prostate, or prostate.Prostatitis with prostatitisThe prostate is located in the pelvis, near the base of the bladder. This is an unpaired organ that looks like a chestnut. The urethra passes through it. Behind the gland is the rectum and in front is the pubic bone.The prostate is a fairly elastic organ because its foundation is composed of muscle fibers and glandular cells. It consists of 2 lobes connected by an isthmus. It is a major source of problems related to urination. As we age, the isthmus can become denser and increase in size, putting pressure on the urethra and disrupting the urinary excretion process.prostateperform such functions for the body:
Function Essence
secretary Produces a secretion that is part of the sperm. It dilutes the sperm, sets the desired pH level, and increases sperm motility.
engine The muscle fibers of the gland form the urethral sphincter, which helps to suppress urine.
obstacle Contains zinc peptide complex, lysozyme, cellular immune factors, and spermine to prevent the development of infection in an ascending manner.
Prostatitis occurs when the gland begins an inflammatory process. At the same time, it increases in size, squeezing the urethra. This can cause difficulty urinating.In addition, the enlarged prostate "invades" the bladder and squeezes it. As a result, the discharge of urine is disturbed and stagnated, leading to inflammation of the bladder. Prolonged stagnation of urine in its "reservoir" can lead to the poisoning of the entire body by the metabolites of its components.

Influencing factors

The main cause of prostatitis isInfect. This can be Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli, Proteus. The most common is prostatitisConsequences of sexually transmitted diseases: Syphilis or gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis.Less commonly, the disease is caused byInfection process of other systems: Influenza, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, etc. Bacteria and viruses enter the prostate through the lymph and bloodstream and through sexual contact. Typically, pathogenic flora enter the gland via an ascending path through the urethra or as infected urine descends from the bladder. other factorsFactors that cause inflammation of the gland include:
  • Pelvic circulation disorders. This can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, and pelvic injuries. A special risk group is drivers who are frequently in a seated position and subject their perineum to vibration and pressure. Reduced pelvic blood circulation can lead to prostate congestion and hypoxia, which can also lead to infection.
  • low temperature,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • urination problems,
  • Irregular sexual activity - too "violent" sexual life, abstinence, interruption of sexual intercourse,
  • chronic constipation,
  • rectal inflammation,
  • Reduced immunity makes the body vulnerable to infectious agents.
There is a belief that regular drinking and drug use increases the risk of this disease.

Types and symptoms of disease

The classification of prostatitis in the modern world is based on the 1995 classification of the National Institutes of Health.Based on clinical data and the presence of leukocytes and pathogenic flora in semen, prostate secretions and urine:
  1. Acute bacterial prostatitis.
  2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  3. CPPS – Chronic pelvic pain syndrome or chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.
  4. Asymptomatic prostatitis.
acute prostatitisContagious. There are several stages:
  • catarrhalAccompanied by frequent urination and painful urination. Pain radiates to the sacrum and perineum,
  • follicle.The intensity of the pain increases. It also occurs during bowel movements. Urinating becomes difficult - urine comes out in a trickle or drop. The high temperature is as high as 38°,
  • Parenchyma.It is characterized by acute urinary retention and bowel problems. Severe pain in the perineum, lower back, and above the pubic bone. The body temperature rises to 38-40°. The body is poisoned, symptoms are general weakness, nausea and increased heart rate.
During a digital examination by a urologist, an enlarged, dense prostate is palpated and feels hot and painful to the touch. Large numbers of white blood cells and bacteria were detected in the urine.Perineal pain in men is a symptom of prostatitischronic prostatitisMay be the result of an acute illness or a separate illness. It is diagnosed if the process lasts for 3 months or longer.Chronic prostatitis mainly presents with 3 symptoms:
  • pain.Interestingly, the prostate itself does not contain pain receptors. Pain occurs when the inflammatory process seizes the nerve fibers in the small pelvis, of which there are considerable numbers. It has different properties. It can be subtle or sharp and intense, disturbing even at night, subside only to return. It is located on the sacrum, scrotum, lower back, and perineum.
  • Difficulty urinating.The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. It becomes sluggish and there is a feeling of a heavy, incompletely emptied bladder. The process may then improve due to compensatory increases in bladder muscle, but quickly resume. Discharge from the urethra occurs during defecation.
  • Sexual disorders– Increased or decreased nocturnal erections, vague orgasms, pain during ejaculation and its acceleration. Sexual dysfunction worsens and eventually leads to impotence. There is a concept of psychogenic powerlessness when a person convinces himself that, in his situation, invasion of the intimate sphere is unavoidable. They are actually growing. As sexual dysfunction progresses, a man's mood will also change: he will become irritable and depressed.
Chronic prostatitis often becomes a manifestation of latent sexually transmitted infections.Diagnosis of CPPSPlacement is performed if clinical manifestations of prostatitis are present but the causative agent of the disease is not detected in biological fluids (urine, ejaculate and prostate secretions). White blood cells were measured at the same time.The main criterion for diagnosis is pain that does not subside within 3 months.Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is divided into two categories: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.Inflammatory CPPSDetermined when large numbers of white blood cells are found in biological fluids. No bacteria were detected.Non-inflammatory CPPSIt is characterized by the absence of white blood cells and pathogenic bacteria in biological fluids.In both cases, symptoms of prostatitis persist.asymptomatic formThe disease is characterized by the absence of signs of prostate inflammation. If the patient undergoes a prostate biopsy, an incidental finding occurs during histological examination of the prostate tissue. For example, a similar procedure is prescribed when PSA levels are elevated.The disease, regardless of its type (except for the asymptomatic form), manifestsFirst, urinary system diseases:
  • pain when urinating,
  • Weak urine stream or dribbling,
  • The feeling that the bladder is not completely empty.
If you experience such symptoms, see a urologist immediately. This will help stop the process at the first stage.

How to recognize disease

The main criteria for making a diagnosis are the patient's clinical presentation and chief complaints.But in the end you still have to confirmRequires a series of tests and inspections:
  1. Examination by a urologist.The doctor must perform a rectal examination of the prostate. Use your fingers to push it through the rectum. It is recommended to have a bowel movement before the examination. Through manipulation, the shape and size of the glands and their consistency can be determined. This procedure helps determine the presence of tumors and inflammation in the prostate. Digital exams collect prostate secretions.
  2. Urinalysis.Two parts are examined: the urine collected at the beginning of urination and the urine collected at the end of the urination process. 1 copy represents the condition of the urethra and 2 copies represents the condition of the kidneys and bladder. A higher than normal number of white blood cells in the urine (15 per field) indicates inflammation.
  3. After collecting urine, perform prostate massage to obtain prostate secretions.If the urine is too little and is not released from the urethra but remains on the urethra wall, collect the urine after massage. It is as informative as the prostate secretions themselves. White blood cells (which should not exceed 10) are also measured here, in addition to lecithin granules and amyloid bodies. If the first gland secretion analysis does not show any abnormalities, this does not mean that there is no process. Prostatic fluid may be too thick and clog the ductal lumen of the affected gland. Healthy gland cells then produce secretions. Therefore, it is necessary to pass such an analysis multiple times. Cultures of urine and prostate secretions are also performed to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine susceptibility to antibiotics.
  4. General blood analysis.
  5. Analyze for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Kidney, bladder ultrasound, TRUS,It allows you to thoroughly assess the condition of your prostate,
  7. Uroflowmetry.It is used to assess the rate and timing of urine excretion. It is carried out through special equipment consisting of sensors and containers. All the patient needs to do is urinate into it in the usual way.
  8. Blood PSA- Prostate-specific antigen. It is an indicator of the presence of tumor formation - adenoma or cancer - in the prostate,
  9. Prostate biopsy.This test is done if cancer is suspected.
A sperm test is necessary, which will help confirm or refute infertility.

Treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis

Uncomplicated acute prostatitis is usually treated on an outpatient basis. Severe poisoning or complications require hospitalization.Treatment of acute prostatitisStart with antibiotics. If the condition is severely disrupted, treatment can be carried out without waiting for the results of the analysis. They use a team of antibacterial drugs that penetrate deeply into the prostate tissue. They act on the types of bacteria that most commonly cause inflammation. These antibiotics include fluoroquinolones.Prostatitis can be treated with medicationAfter receiving the testAntibiotic treatment may be modified differently. It all depends on the causative agent of the disease and its susceptibility to the drug. If no effect is observed after 2 days, the treatment method will also be changed.If there is acute inflammation of the prostate, you will need to take painkillers as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to oral medications, suppositories are also used, which also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects: suppositories based on prostate extract, containing propolis.In case of severe poisoningGet detox treatments. To do this, use a glucose solution.Prescription medicine that improves blood circulation to the prostate. They ensure the drainage of lymph fluid from the glands, relieve swelling, and promote the elimination of toxins.In case of acute prostatitis, it is forbidden to massage the gland, as this may trigger the development of sepsis.Treatment of chronic prostatitis depends on the stage of the disease.In acute forms, antibiotics are used. During the remission phase, treatment is aimed at maintaining normal gland function:
  1. Drugs that normalize the microcirculation of organs.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. It is important to maintain the body's immune function, as it can decrease under the influence of a course of antibiotics. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed immunostimulants.
  4. For sexual dysfunction, antidepressants and sedatives may be prescribed.
  5. Prostate Massage.
  6. physiotherapy:
    • laser,
    • ultrasound,
    • rectal electrophoresis,
    • Transrectal microwave hyperthermia.
  7. physiotherapy.
Physical therapy effectively treats prostatitisPhysical therapy for prostatitis can help strengthen the tone of the pelvic floor muscles and reduce pain.

Prostate Massage: Purpose and Techniques

Finger massage of the prostate serves several purposes.It can be used for diagnosis, obtaining glandular secretions, and as a treatment for chronic prostatitis.mostThe common approach to this surgery is transrectal. In this case, the patient lies on his right side with his knees bent. The doctor inserts his index finger into the anus and moves it along the rectum. Then massage: gently stroke each lobe around the gland and along the ducts. At the end of the procedure, the wrinkles between the leaves are kneaded to release secretions.It is necessary to pay attention to the patient's feelings: there should be no pain during the operation. The whole process lasts for 1 minute and has 15 sections.One indicator of a quality massage is the release of a few drops of glandular secretions.This manipulation firstIncrease blood circulation to the prostate. This speeds tissue repair and improves the passage of medications, eliminating congestion and relieving inflammation.Massage helps strengthen the muscles of the glands and perineum. This surgery clears the prostate of bacteria and toxins by removing stagnant semen from the organ. Urethral pressure is eliminated and urination improves. Massage increases potency by increasing circulation of semen.In addition to the transrectal method, there are also drip methods and bougie massage methods.drip methodThe solution is first introduced through the urethra. Then clamp it and massage the prostate with your fingers. In this case, the treatment solution penetrates the gland, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the procedure. In the end, the urethra is not closed, so it is recommended to wait for a while before urinating. The drug is reintroduced into the urethra.bougie massageIt is done through the urethra using a bougie (a special instrument used to dilate and examine tubular organs). The patient is in the right lateral decubitus position. Insert the bougie into the urethra and hold it with one hand. Use your other hand to stroke and press the penis from top to bottom. The duration of the procedure was 1 minute, followed by intraurethral administration of the drug. This massage requires the support of antibiotic treatment.Finger massage prostate– Medical procedures, performed by experts according to clear instructions.You can choose self-massage: for this, the muscles around the anus are rhythmically tense and relaxed. This process is invisible to others and helps strengthen the glands.Like any manipulation,Prostate massage has its contraindications:
  • acute inflammation of the prostate,
  • adenocarcinoma or adenoma,
  • hemorrhoid,
  • Stones, cystic structures in the prostate organ.
Professionally performed surgery will help restore the structure of the prostate and its function, and stimulating sensitive points will eliminate sexual dysfunction.

Prostatitis and traditional medicine

In addition to medications, traditional methods can also be helpful in dealing with prostate inflammation.Combining these two treatments, you will speed up the healing process and get rid of unpleasant feelings.There are many home recipes that can help fight prostatitis. Here are some of them:
  • Grind 500 grams of raw, peeled pumpkin seeds through a meat grinder and mix with 200 grams of honey. The resulting material is formed into pellets. Take 2 times a day before meals, chew slowly and dissolve thoroughly. Pumpkin seeds contain high amounts of zinc, which is essential for men's health.
  • Blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties. By eating 200 grams of this berry every day, you will support your male health,
  • Parsley first became famous as a cooking spice. But in addition, it contains many useful substances, including those required by the male body. Take 1 tablespoon of parsley juice. Take it 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. This will help relieve inflammation and improve your sex life,
  • Chop the green peel and thorns of the chestnuts and pour boiling water over them. used as tea
  • Grind 300 grams of onions into a paste, add 100 grams of honey and 600 ml of dry wine. Store in a cool place for 1 week, stirring occasionally. tension. Use 2 tbsp. Take it 3 times a day before meals. Effective in treating chronic prostatitis.
Some will help speed recoveryPhysical exercise. They stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic area and thus in the prostate.
  1. Squat down to just below your knees. The optimal number of times is 100 times. Do this 3 times a week. If you can't do this amount of reps at once, perform the squat in a variety of ways, resting in between.
  2. Scissors. Sit on the floor with your hands on the floor behind you. Stretch your legs out in front of you, lifting them off the floor. Cross them over each other. These movements are similar to the work of scissors.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees and bring them to your chest. Hug them with your arms. Stay in this position for up to 20 minutes.
  4. Regular walking is also a great way to relieve traffic congestion.
you canComplement this complex with other exercises, activates and warms up muscles.

prostatitis in adolescents

Incredibly, prostatitis, which was previously considered a disease of middle-aged and elderly people, is now significantly younger and has even been found in teenagers. It can have a negative impact on the condition of the entire body and on the reproductive capabilities of young people.Teenagers with signs of prostatitis should consult their doctorthat's whyIt's important to understand whyFactors leading to prostatitis in teenagers:
  • Premature sexual activity and sexual illiteracy.Unprotected intercourse can lead to rampant sexually transmitted infections, leading to bacterial inflammation of the prostate,
  • low temperature– A contributing factor in the development of prostatitis. Temperature imbalance reduces immunity and makes the body susceptible to infection,
  • fashion– Wearing clothes and underwear that are too tight can disrupt blood circulation in the pelvis and cause stagnation in the area,
  • sedentary lifestyle– Computer work for modern young people has replaced sports, walking and other active pastimes,
  • excessive sexual activityactually depleting the glands. Its function is reduced, secretions are released in smaller quantities and of poorer quality, making it more susceptible to infection.
Prostatitis manifests itself in different ways in young people. Some people worry about the obvious symptoms: high body temperature, radiation to organs around the groin, and severe pain when urinating. For others, symptoms appear in mild forms. Generalized weakness, decreased activity, low-grade fever, and urethral discharge occur.VeryIt is important not to ignore signs of illness but to start treatment promptly. Neglected pathological processes will leave their mark on organ conditions and the lives of young people.


Prevention of any disease is better than cure. Measures to prevent prostatitis are very simple and not difficult to follow.
  1. first,Rethink your daily routine. If your job requires you to sit for long periods of time, be sure to incorporate five minutes of physical activity into your daily routine. Stretch and move around. This is necessary to make the blood "run" faster through the blood vessels. At the same time, avoid excessive physical activity to avoid physical exhaustion.
  2. Stop smoking. Tobacco smoke spasms blood vessels and impairs circulation, reducing the supply of oxygen to the prostate. Limit your intake of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Avoid hypothermia and nervousness.
  4. Pickled dishes are worth eating as well as spices and pickles as well as hot sauces.
  5. Attention should be paid to the regularity of sexual activities and the adequacy of sexual intercourse.
Untreated prostatitis brings many complications: it turns into a chronic form, develops infertility, spreads to the kidneys and bladder. More serious consequences include adenomas and prostate cancer. Foci of purulence (abscess) may appear in the gland and become purulent.As you can see, this disease is very insidious. And, although the problem is subtle, you shouldn't delay her treatment. Stop the process at an early stage of its development: only in this case can you maintain your health and masculinity.